Deploy Node.js on ubuntu with GIT
ssh into your VM, then install Git:
apt-get update
apt-get install git
Clone your private/public repo
#For public repogit clone For private repogit clone you can use ssh. here is a free guide:
then git clone the ssh linkif you get a permission denial execute the follow
ssh-add ~/.ssh/youRSAname
Remove old node and add new node
sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove nodejs npm#install node through nvm it is easier to upgrade and downgrade nodesudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essentialcurl -o- | bash#install the latest versionnvm install node//upon installatin the new version is set as defaultgo here for more info on nvm, like hwo to switch version:
Install pm2
npm -g install pm2
Kill other PM2 Process
pm2 killor find the running PM2 process with:ps aux | grep PM2then kill with:kill -9 [pid]//see pm2 logs
pm2 logs
Create an environment variable file
//cd to the git repo
nano .env
//paste all variables by right clicking
Update the local repo
git pull origin master
If you get permission denied error which might happen if the repo is private follow the following steps
# Make sure ssh agent is working
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"# Find the ssh that as given to the repo
ls -al ~/.ssh# Make that ssh default
ssh-add ~/.ssh/youRSAname
Run PM2
pm2 start index.js --name "GingerCream"#orpm2 stop GingerCream#or pm2 restart GingerCream
For automatic deployment, u can follow the following methods
- Github actions (CI & CD)
- post-receive Git hook